يستخدم هذا الموقع ملفات تعريف الارتباط. لمزيد من المعلومات حول كيفية استخدامنا لملفات تعريف الارتباط ، يمكنك قراءة إشعار الخصوصية وملفات تعريف الارتباط الخاص بنا. ملفات تعريف الارتباط وسياسة الخصوصية
جاهز للإستلام من ٠٧ فبراير إلى ١٠ فبراير إذا أكملت طلبك خلال 7hrs 14mins
توصيل للمنزل
مصاريف الشحن 35.00 جنيه
جاهز للتوصيل من ٠٧ فبراير إلى ١٠ فبراير إذا أكملت طلبك خلال 7hrs 14mins
سياسة الارجاع
يمكنك ارجاع اغلب المنتجات خلال 14-30 يوم من تاريخ الشراء، مع ضرورة الإبلاغ عن وجود اي عيب ظاهر في خلال 48 ساعة، للإستثناءات والشروط راجع سياسة الإرجاع من هنا.تفاصيل
We care about your little one’s comfort and safety from the first moment. consisting of 6 pieces (hairbrush + comb + scissors with its own cover + nail clippers with its own cover) is made with care and attention from high-quality and safe materials In a practical design that is easy to use,
the brush has soft bristles so as not to touch the scalp,
a comb with circular teeth to massage the child’s scalp with the utmost gentleness, scissors with circular tips so that your child is not harmed while cutting his nails, with a cover for the scissors after you finish using them for added safety, very precise clippers.
With its own cover so that it is easy for the mother to use it for the infant without danger, the set comes in light blue. newborn nail care set is a wonderful gift for new mothers and is indispensable for all newborns.
المواصفات الرئيسية
We care about your little one’s comfort and safety from the first moment. consisting of 6 pieces (hairbrush + comb + scissors with its own cover + nail clippers with its own cover) is made with care and attention from high-quality and safe materials In a practical design that is easy to use,
the brush has soft bristles so as not to touch the scalp,
a comb with circular teeth to massage the child’s scalp with the utmost gentleness, scissors with circular tips so that your child is not harmed while cutting his nails, with a cover for the scissors after you finish using them for added safety, very precise clippers.
With its own cover so that it is easy for the mother to use it for the infant without danger, the set comes in light blue. newborn nail care set is a wonderful gift for new mothers and is indispensable for all newborns.