link French Press Coffee Maker 350 mlStart your day with energy and in the best way, and enjoy the texture and quality of good coffee from the comfort of your home.Natural flavour.The French press preserves the natural oils absorbed by the filters, allowing you to taste coffee with a thick, delicious texture.Advanced design and extra durability.Sleek and modern in style, stainless steel becomes a feature that you can take advantage of to keep your coffee maker always clean and shiny.To prepare coffee:1) Add ground coffee (preferably medium to coarse) and hot water.2) Gently stir once or twice until combined.3) Wait about 4 minutes and slowly lower the plunger until all the dust is filtered out.5) Serve immediately to avoid loss of aroma and flavour.To prepare tea:1) Add the herb of your choice in an amount proportional to the volume of tea.2) Leave it to soak until the water turns color or for as long as you deem necessary.3) Gently lower the piston.4) Serve. If you intend to make iced tea, do not add ice to the coffee maker after brewing! Temperature shock can break the glass!To prepare milk foam:1) Add whole milk (fat helps with foam formation and density)2) Lower and raise the plunger until the drink becomes foamy.3) With the help of a spoon, remove the foam from the container and pour it over the coffee or drink you are preparing.4) Get ready for compliments!The French press coffee making process preserves all the characteristics of the bean, and preserves the natural oils and sediments that are eliminated in other extraction methods.